The necessary Concepts of Nanotechnology for Agricultural Secondary Schools Students Based on the Expert Community's opinions

Document Type : Original Article


1 Teaching Assistant Department of the Curricula and Teaching Methods, Faculty of Education, Tanta University. Egypt

2 M.Sc. at Department of the Curricula and Teaching Methods, Majoring in Science, Faculty of Education, Tanta University. Egypt

3 Lecturer at Department of Curricula and Teaching Methods, Majoring in Science, Faculty of Education Tanta University. Egypt.


The study sought to identify the necessary concepts of nanotechnology for Agricultural Secondary School Students Based on the Expert Community's opinions. in addition to that the main goal, it also aimed to take the experts 'opinions on the importance of proposed concepts and the suitability for the agricultural secondary school students. To answer the study questions the literatures which are related with the nanotechnology and its applications in agriculture were revised by the researcher. After that, the list of nanotechnology and its applications in agriculture became at the initial copy. Then, the initial copy was presented to the experts and they were 12 arbitrators. the statistical analysis was done, and the results showed that all the proposed concepts are important and suitable for Agricultural Secondary School Students, except the basic concepts(atom, molecular, bonds) because they are included in the current subjects. However, the researcher believes that it is necessary because it helps in the horizontal and vertical organization of the educational material. They also suggested adding some applications, such as its applications in the dairy, as well as poultry and animal production. In the end, the study recommended by necessity of teaching nanotechnology and its agricultural applications to agricultural secondary school students.


Main Subjects

Article History

Receive Date: 2022/6/10

Revise Date: 2022/7/1

Accept Date: 2022/7/17

Publish Date: 2022/7/18

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