Developing some Aesthetic Values Using Applications of Augmented Reality among Mainstreaming Students of Preparatory Stage

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer at the Faculty of Education, Al Azhar University,Egypt


The study aims to identify the impact of using augmented reality on some aesthetic values among deaf students in the preparatory stage. The sample of the study includes 30 deaf students (males and females) at Al-Amal School for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in the course of History in Gharbia Governorate. They are divided into two groups: the first one is controlling group of 15 students at Al-Amal School for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in Al Mahalla Al-Kubra. The second is an experimental one of (15) male and female students at Al-Amal School for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing in Tanta. The study employs two main tools: the scale of aesthetic values "read and translated in sign language"). Then, the following experimental treatment materials were built: a list of aesthetic values, a program based on augmented reality applications, a teacher's guide to teaching the program, and a learner's guide to using the program. There is a statistically significant difference between the mean ranks of the students of the experimental group and the controlling group in the post-application of the aesthetic values scale in favor of the experimental group. In addition, there is a statistically significant difference between the mean ranks of the experimental group students of the aesthetic values scale in the pre and post measurement in favor of the post measurement. In light of the findings, recommendations and suggestions were provided


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Article History

Receive Date: 2023/11/3

Revise Date: 2023/11/25

Accept Date: 2023/11/26

Publish Date: 2023/12/1

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