Designing an Expert system based on Artificial intelligence for developing programming languages for producing creative Projects through Internet of things of students in STEM schools

Document Type : Original Article


Ph.D. Director of the Educational Computer Development Department at the General Court of the Ministry of Education and Technical Education


The research aimed to measure the effect of designing an expert system based on artificial intelligence to develop programming languages to produce innovative projects via the Internet of Things among students of STEM schools. The research sample consisted of (40) students from STEM schools in Sharkia Governorate, and the research tools consisted of an achievement test to measure the cognitive aspect related to programming languages, a performance note card to measure the skill aspect of programming languages, and a product evaluation card to evaluate innovative projects. And after ensuring the validity of the tools for application, they were applied before and after on the research sample, and the statistical processing of the data was done and the validity of the hypotheses was tested. The results concluded that there were statistically significant differences at the level (0.05) between the mean scores of the research group in the achievement test to measure the cognitive aspect of learning the three programming languages (Python - JavaScript - PHP) in the pre and post test in favor of the post achievement test. It also found statistically significant differences at the level (0.05) between the mean scores of the research group in the skill performances related to learning the three programming languages (Python - JavaScript - PHP) in the pre and post application in favor of the post application.


Main Subjects

Article History

Receive Date: 2023/11/4

Revise Date: 2023/11/23

Accept Date: 2023/12/8

Publish Date: 2023/12/9

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