Developing auto-Didactic (Self-Learning) Skills by Using Social Networking

Document Type : Original Article


1 Researcher Member of the Digital Design and Publishing Research Unit (DDPRU), Tanta University, Faculty of Education, Egypt

2 Demonstrators, Department of Mental Health, Faculty of Education - Tanta University,Egypt


The recent research aims at checking the effectiveness of participating in the social networking sites on auto-didactic skills for university students. The study sample was formed of (30) students enrolled in higher studies of instructional education. The research tools were of a list of tasks students do to learn new skills in a group by using Google applications namely Facebook through having beers exchange subjects and media. The researcher designed a note card to evaluate students' participation inside the group in addition to designing ( 30) clause – test to measure skills of auto didactic. The results showed differences with statistical significance concerning skills of auto-didactic for the study sample in the pre and post application for the benefit of the post application. The above-mentioned card carried also differences with statistical significance. There is a positive approach for the study sample to share files, folders and media related to skills of Google applications.


Main Subjects

Article History

Receive Date: 2020/10/16

Revise Date: 2020/11/4

Accept Date: 2020/11/5

Publish Date: 2020/11/5

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